Commercial aspects:
- Ansonia produces and sells montage kits for houses after the own projects or after the projects of its customers;
- For the houses made on the base of projects received from our customers, the price of the montage kit is calculated starting from the netto volume of elements made from glued lamellar wood which it contains. For the kit manufacturing of such a house i tis necessary the reprojection of this one in CADWORK, this operation is free for the firm contracts.
- The current price list is valid starting with March 1st 2008 and it can be modified by the producer without previous notice, depending on the market variation of the raw materials and energy costs;
- The production and the delivery term for a house may vary grom 2 to 6 weeks, but in special cases this term can be reduced to 10 days! However, we must say that depending by a series of factors, such as the size of the house, the complexity of the project, the factory load, this term can vary in both ways.
- Guarantee: For the delivered montage kits we grant a 10 yeras guarantee for the integrity and the conformity of the component materials .